Designed and dedicated to whom is expecting a perfect coffee. CAFFE’ VERONESI is always searching for excellence and this blend encloses all its experience and knowledge. Worldwide selection of the best coffee cultivars, the roaster’s mastery are the basis of this unique and incomparable coffee. An hazelnut colour turning to a reddish shade dark brown, an elegant creamy texture, the intense and persistent aroma, a clean round flavour, a consistent body, a fragrant aftertaste with spicy and floral hints.
-Packaging: 3 kg can

All the coffees composing this blend are washed and selected first by the growers and then by CAFFE’ VERONESI itself, as part of the processing system. An intense, pleasant aroma reminds of floral fragrance, fine body, persistent significant vanilla-like aftertaste. Perfect at breakfast, particularly suitable for bars and confectioner’s shops.
Packaging: 1000 gr
All the coffees composing this blend are washed and selected first by the growers and then by CAFFE’ VERONESI itself, as part of the processing system. This is a coffee with a smoothed and balanced taste and an intense scent reminding of toasted bread; it has an excellent body and a long lasting cocoa-like aftertaste.
Packaging: 1000 gr

All the coffees composing this blend are washed and selected first by the growers and then by CAFFE’ VERONESI itself, as part of the processing system. This is a coffee with an intense and strong taste with full and aromatic scent reminding of fresh ripe fruit as cherry, peach and apple.
Packaging: 1000 gr
All the coffees composing this blend are washed and selected first by the growers and then by CAFFE’ VERONESI itself, as part of the processing system. This is a coffee with a sweet and distinct blend, intense aroma and fragrance; its cream is very thick and persistent, full body and an aftertaste reminds of fresh nuts.
Packaging: 1000 gr


Coffee Cup
Cappuccino Cup Veronesi

Napkin rings Veronesi
Apron Veronesi